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Not just anyone can see the good stuff.
Want access to all areas of the site?
Click here for my contact form, and then click on "Want full access to all areas of the site?"
Supply a username and password, then fill in the rest of the stuff required, then click Submit.
Later...much, much later...if I deem you worthy, I'll reply back to you and you'll then have access to hundreds more
articles and one or both of my "novel disasters"...some other miscellaneous tools, etc.
What happens when I login?
Why, a little bit of magic happens. First, a script verifies that you've entered in a valid username/password pair, then you are
logged in. If you exit your browser and then open it up tomorrow to visit this site again, you'll have to login again. That's because
your login is only good for the current (up to 3 hours) browser session.
If you check "Remember Me", then the next time you
are brought to the login page, your name will already be filled in - you'll need to only enter your password at that point.